Assessing the Effectiveness of Revenue Cycle Training: The Trinity Health Journey (0.5 CEU) | Kisaco Research
  • This presentation will provide a detailed Case Study review of Trinity Health’s Lean Daily Management Training Effectiveness Dashboard and the methodology used to measure Revenue Cycle knowledge transfer and proficiency. 
  • These tools and strategies are vendor agnostic and, in this example, will be applied to seventeen (17) different Health Information Systems (HIS) using the Kirkpatrick Model of Assessment and our experience with over 8,000 trainees.
  • Content will provide a “deep dive” into what is possible in the assessment of Revenue Cycle training and, in addition, give a Journey Map for organizations to start where they are to begin evaluating their Revenue Cycle training effectiveness.

Specialty Credits for: Core B – CPPM

Session Topics: 
Revenue Cycle Management


Edward Thomas

Director, Enterprise Revenue Cycle Training & Deployment
Trinity Health (HQ Michigan)

Edward Thomas

Director, Enterprise Revenue Cycle Training & Deployment
Trinity Health (HQ Michigan)